Mata Amritanandamayi, known fondly as Amma which means mother in Tamil and Malayalam, has been touring America for many years. Her first stop was in Seattle on the west coast.

I flew in early to sightsee beforehand.
The programme was held at the Regency Hyatt in Bellevue, Greater Seattle. Amma had flown in from Japan via a short stopover in Sri Lanka, where they prayed and held bhajans on the beach near the hotel. I was very happy to hear this, as Sri Lanka desperately needs a lot of prayers to pull it out of the darkness.
We are requested not to take photos of Amma, so I will provide some links to give you a flavour of the events with a few of my own snaps.

During the retreat, we had a Q&A with Amma, a bhajan class which was beautifully instructed by one of Amma's devotees, awesome bhajans with Amma, and one evening we received blessed dinner prasad from Amma directly, followed by ice-cream and chai.

On the retreats, you can have Amma's darshan and hug everyday of the retreat, then there's Devi Bhava on the last day which is a public programme and you can get another hug! I made the most of it- I appreciated every hug from Amma. Later on the american tour, when there were large crowds, it didn't seem right to get one more hug as I had so many by then. Amma's Darshan is a powerful experience, it's good to sit close by Amma afterwards and meditate for some time.
I cannot begin to comprehend the physical toll on Amma, sitting in the chair all day and night, without a break, giving herself completely to everyone, listening to our problems, comforting us, blessing us, uplifting us. On top of this, at the same time, she's also advising her Swamis, staff and devotees who come to her with all sorts of questions and concerns, sometimes she's on the phone to her ashram in India, her colleges. I don't suppose Amma sleeps. We are all struggling to stay awake in our chairs, we feel aches and pains, we get hungry and get tired. She remains sweet and fresh, relaxed and loving, no sign of impatience or stress. Being with Amma is a special blessing, the energy at her programme is indescribable. I have been completely overwhelmed, and felt a heart opening, expanding blissful experience. It was a treat for me to attend this tour. I know I would love to do this on a regular basis.
Amma's visit to Seattle, amritapuri website.
Old footage by Oasis TV, snippets of Amma in Seattle
See for information regarding Amma and her centers and ashrams.
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