Excerpt from
"Vishnudevananda Upadesa. Teachings of Swami Vishnudevananda"
We increase our wavelength in different ways. Our physical wavelength will change through the practice of asanas, or postures. The asanas that you practise are not just physical exercises to develop your muscles. They bring your physical and astral systems into harmony. Both systems become full of energy without resistance from each other.
In acupuncture doctors use needles to stimulate different acupuncture points. So also in yoga, asanas stimulate different acupunture areas where the nerves are prominent so that the energy flows. More contact is made between the astral and the physical bodies. The more the contact, the more the physical body will shine.
The physical body is made up of food like ice cream, pizza and tomatoes. What makes it shine is the pranic energy coming into the physical body through asana and pranayama. You become a source of energy. When you practise your asanas, remember that you have to increase the vibration level by concentrating. If you have a mantra, repeat your mantra, or at least breathe properly and lift your mind to a higher level: don't just do your asanas like you do physical exercises at the YMCA. If you practise with the proper mental control, with concentration, your vibration level will go up. You can sit and meditate beautifully afterwards.
"Vishnudevananda Upadesa. Teachings of Swami Vishnudevananda"
by The Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
(p.187)We increase our wavelength in different ways. Our physical wavelength will change through the practice of asanas, or postures. The asanas that you practise are not just physical exercises to develop your muscles. They bring your physical and astral systems into harmony. Both systems become full of energy without resistance from each other.
In acupuncture doctors use needles to stimulate different acupuncture points. So also in yoga, asanas stimulate different acupunture areas where the nerves are prominent so that the energy flows. More contact is made between the astral and the physical bodies. The more the contact, the more the physical body will shine.
The physical body is made up of food like ice cream, pizza and tomatoes. What makes it shine is the pranic energy coming into the physical body through asana and pranayama. You become a source of energy. When you practise your asanas, remember that you have to increase the vibration level by concentrating. If you have a mantra, repeat your mantra, or at least breathe properly and lift your mind to a higher level: don't just do your asanas like you do physical exercises at the YMCA. If you practise with the proper mental control, with concentration, your vibration level will go up. You can sit and meditate beautifully afterwards.
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